Give confidence.
Give friendship.
Give Camp!

The Give Camp Fund pro­vides schol­ar­ships and finan­cial sup­port direct­ly to sum­mer camps for chil­dren so that they can expe­ri­ence the won­ders of sum­mer sleep-away camp. With ever-increas­ing social and envi­ron­men­tal pres­sures, its no sur­prise that being a kid today is not an easy task. Sum­mer camp helps build self-con­fi­dence, inde­pen­dence, social aware­ness, and life-long friendships.

A sum­mer camp expe­ri­ence builds life­long skills.

As for­mer campers, staff, super­vi­sors and direc­tors, we under­stand and ful­ly believe in the val­ue and ben­e­fits chil­dren receive by attend­ing a sum­mer sleep­away camp. Our mis­sion is to help empow­er your camp to enrich the lives of kids who may not oth­er­wise have the means to do so.

personal growth

Edu­ca­tion­al, spir­i­tu­al, emo­tion­al, and social growth are crit­i­cal pieces to healthy devel­op­ment of well-adjust­ed func­tion­ing mem­bers of soci­ety. Camp allows for this in a safe, nur­tur­ing environment.

Resolve Conflicts

Camp is quite lit­er­al­ly a liv­ing-les­son in group dynam­ics, con­flict res­o­lu­tion, and sim­ply “get­ting along with oth­ers” — core skills that today’s youth will need as they enter school, the work­force, or start fam­i­lies of their own.

Unplugging from Tech

By remov­ing tech­nol­o­gy from their dai­ly diet, campers are bet­ter able to expe­ri­ence a rich social world and become less depen­dent upon their screens for social­iza­tion and entertainment.

Experience nature

Unplug­ging from the dig­i­tal world also gives chil­dren the abil­i­ty to recon­nect with the out­doors and appre­ci­ate the envi­ron­ment and all that it has to offer.

gain new skills

Camp gives kids the chance to learn new skills, whether it is in the field of ath­let­ics, per­form­ing or fine arts, adven­ture, aquat­ics, culi­nary arts, music or otherwise.

just for fun

A well-deserved break from the rig­ors of school allows kids to unwind and take a breather from all that con­sumes them dur­ing the rest of the year.

We work with real­ly amaz­ing camps.

Camp Zeke was tru­ly hon­ored to be in The Give Camp Fund’s inau­gur­al cohort. The fund has enabled us to sub­si­dize mul­ti­ple schol­ar­ships for campers in need, and thus meet our mis­sion of nev­er turn­ing away a camper for finan­cial rea­sons. Togeth­er, we are able to cre­ate impact­ful Jew­ish expe­ri­ences and deep-root­ed Jew­ish friend­ships for kids whose fam­i­lies would not oth­er­wise be able to afford the expe­ri­ence. We are incred­i­bly grate­ful to The Give Camp Fund and the gen­er­ous donors who sup­port it.

Isaac Mamaysky

Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Camp Zeke

How does a camp qualify to receive funding?

Each year, we select ben­e­fi­cia­ry camps that meet the eli­gi­bil­i­ty require­ments nec­es­sary to qual­i­fy it as a recip­i­ent of our schol­ar­ship grant.

These grants are then dis­trib­uted to the camp in accor­dance with the approval guide­lines. It is the lead­er­ship of the camp itself that deter­mines the dis­tri­b­u­tion to its campership.

For any gen­er­al ques­tions about The Give Camp Fund or the grant pro­gram itself, please feel free con­tact us!

To be eli­gi­ble, your camp must:


Be an inde­pen­dent camp that pro­vides a sleep away camp expe­ri­ence with activ­i­ties aimed toward phys­i­cal, social and intel­lec­tu­al growth while inte­grat­ing Jew­ish val­ues and cul­ture in a camp setting.


Meet the pur­pose of: help­ing campers learn, through dai­ly liv­ing, respon­si­bil­i­ty, self-reliance and a sense of their Jewishness.


Uti­lize the grant sole­ly for camper schol­ar­ship or tuition assis­tance to sup­port eli­gi­ble chil­dren that meet the fol­low­ing char­i­ta­ble mis­sion, i.e. Jew­ish or seek­ing Jew­ish cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty, and with social, phys­i­cal, finan­cial or emo­tion­al needs.


At the dis­cre­tion of your cam­p’s Direc­tor, dis­trib­ute the grant to max­i­mize the num­ber of campers receiv­ing a ben­e­fit from the proceeds.


Sub­mit a request/application, be approved, and meet all require­ments of fund­ing.

Inter­est­ed in send­ing your child to camp, but don’t know where to start?

Sure, you can rely on friends or fam­i­ly ref­er­ences, or great things you’ve heard around town or school. But ask your­self this… “Is this the right camp right for my child?” Some­times, that’s not so easy to answer. That’s where Camp Selec­tions comes in!

We’ve teamed up with Camp Selec­tions to help you find the right camp for your child. Let’s face it… find­ing a camp is easy — there are many to pick from! Find­ing the right camp… now that can be chal­leng­ing.

Camp Selec­tions is a per­son­al­ized, concierge-like ser­vice backed by an exten­sive net­work of camp rela­tions and years-long first-hand indus­try exper­tise! Best of all… Camp Selec­tions is FREE!

Give the gift of camp to future generations.